Thursday, March 18, 2021

Grateful today for:

1. A very busy day at work. I actually infinitely prefer crazy busy days to quieter days.

2. A walk with a friend. Thames, the park and the deer.  Also it's lovely when the conversation just flows.

3. Bought a red dress. A red jacket dress ( while doing the 4 times table with the older one at 7 in the morning). I have no idea where I will wear it but its coming to me now.  

4. Waking up to both boys cuddled into me. Everyone is holding someone's hands, though you cant be sure whose hand it is and the legs are intertwined and everyone is at so much peace. The the little one woke up and sat on his sleeping older brother. And then he stood up on his older brother. And then he started jumping on his older brother.  Peace over. 

5. Being reminded that sometimes it can get very hopeless and then, miraculously, you can be full of hope. It is important to stay calm no matter what. 

6. Being reminded that sometimes you may think you want something desperately but when it comes your way you know it is not meant for you and  you surprise yourself by walking away. It is therefore important to know that everything, even your own desires, are transient. 

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