Tuesday, August 08, 2006

So Friday it shall be.

My grandmother shall be operated upon this Friday. They are going to operate her heart.It is one of the most complicated surgeries that can be performed in this day and age. There is some kind of calcification in her aorta (the main artery that comes out of the heart) .The operation would require her to be on a heart and lung machine for six hours and in the I.C.U for 6 days. For three hours neither her heart nor her lungs would work and for the next 6 days we will have to wear funny clothes to just go stand next to her.

My Tauji is a doctor and the (youngest ever) H.O.D of the Neurology Deptt. at the very reputed post graduate Institute where Dadi shall be operated upon. He has not been eating properly for the past many days and the fact that he is tense is very very visible.Tauji shall be inside the O.T when Dadi willl be operated upon.

Apart from that, Tauji is reading up stuff on cardio just so that he has a good idea of what is going to happen.

Medical tests have shown that Dadi( who is actually 80+) has a biological age of 60.This is means that her organs are working very very fine .Her haemoglobin level is at 12 which at age 80 is very surprising and also obviously very good.So, the doctors are saying that she has a 95% chance of pulling through the operation.Dadi can hear the cell ring in the farthest room when even I have to strain my ears. And yesterday she challenged Mom to write 25thousand in Roman numerals and has told me to explain logs to her as she has some doubts .

My Dad and Baba are also both doctors. And as per Baba’s strictest orders the clinic shall NOT remain closed on Friday. Dad will go to the clinic and Tauji will stay at the hospital(which is also where he works)

Even as I type, my Dad is donating blood that will be needed during the operation.

The doctors who shall be operating have been decided upon after considerable deliberation .The operation will be done by one of the youngest and the brighest doctors that they have but at the same time the most experienced cardio surgeon shall be present as well.

The doctors concerned shall not have any engagements for 75 hours after the operation so they will be available in case they are required .

After the inital shock at the unexpected news of the operation we are all okay now.
Today, Dadi has gone for some essential tests, Mummy badi(my Taiji ) made sure she wore a nice new saree today.
Two nights ago, I got extremely anxious about Dadi and paced a dark drawing room for one whole hour at around midnight.The next morning I called up Dadi and told her about how I felt .What she replied has clamed me considerably.

We have, as a family, decided to go in for the operation with a positive attitude.We know that whatever happens will happen for the best.

And I hope and pray to God that when I get married 4-5 years down the line , all four of my grandparents are there to bless me.


Cena said...

Will pray for your grandmother's operation & quick recovery...u tc & keep
smiling :)

Anonymous said...

everything will work out just fine.


and why are you in engineering?? :-s

Shekhar said...

I'm praying. WE'RE praying. *big, positive, heart-warming, sincere smile*

Anonymous said...

best of wishes for your dadi's operation....


Sayesha said...

My best wishes for Dadi's operation.

Anonymous said...

Do not worry dii..the health status of dadiji sounds excellent..it sounds as if "abhi to wo jawaan hain :P"..so,wish her Gudluck n send her to O.T cheerfully!! N dnt u dare to cry in front of her,u silly emotional girl:)!!
And yes! wen u'll marry n hav those 10-20 nanhe munne raam dulaare(heehhe! 4 ke naam to soch liye maine:D),she'll b rt thr massaging them n giving them mughli ghutti 555 :D!
Best wishes!-Creepa!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry bacha, all will be just fine :) Many people to be praying for her and she too, with your other grandparents will be there to look after their great grand daughters too :)

All my best wishes for her and you too :)

God Bless You All,
Take care,

Shreyansh said...

Hey everything will be just fine.
My wishes for your Dadi.

arpana said...

all the best , you are a lucky girl to have the full set of granparents & Im sure it will stay that way .. **prays for ur dadi**

R said...

thank you all:)

thank you so much:)

Anonymous said...

umm..i can sense the tension.. have experienced it myself..
everything will be fine..
dont worry..
and may God bless them all.. :)

Anonymous said...

hi ruchi,
obviously u dont know me.. i just happened to stumble across your blog... everything will be fine with ur dadi... and by what u have written she seems to be one positive lady... and trust me that matters... especially at her age...

my prayers and best wishes are with u.... take care of ur dadi ( i lost mine last year... and it still hurts)...

this is rahul @ rporwal@gmail.com

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Alex said...

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Alex said...

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Alex said...

Unfortunately, today weight loss surgery is being offered as a first choice rather than a last resort. ketozol It is being sold to people as a way for them to lose weight automatically without having to make changes in their lifestyle. Rapid weight loss is not needed and not recommended.

Alex said...

L-Carnitine: Mega Keto Diet L-Carnitine is a nutrient similar to B-vitamins that is water-soluble and is used by the body to help it turn fat into energy. With L-Carnitine as an ingredient in the lipovarin weight loss supplement, it decreases fat levels in the blood.

Alex said...

Always perform different sets of exercises targeting different body parts for maximum weight loss benefits. KetoVit Forskolin Assign different days of the week to different body parts you are going to concentrate on and the set of weight loss exercises you would use. Follow a certain pattern and push yourself to attain a higher intensity level each week for maximum weight loss benefits. Once you start following the right technique under proper guidance and proper weight loss diet, you would start to see solid changes. Remember your body only adapts to weight loss when it's done effectively and not forcibly.

Alex said...

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Alex said...

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Alex said...

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Alex said...

The supplements often come in the form of pills, thus, you simply take it just like you would do with other medication. Orviax Those who are using male enhancement products that come in the form of gels and creams will have to apply the product directly to their member. The gels and creams are also proven effective, however they could be a bit messy sometimes. Thus, the most convenient products to use for male enhancement are the pills.

Alex said...

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Alex said...

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Alex said...

Everyone in today's society wants things done immediately and even microwave popcorn isn't fast enough anymore. Ultra Fast Keto Boost However, if you lose a realistic amount of weight a week, making small subtle changes to your diet, you are much more likely to keep the weight off long term than if you try to lose a massive amount of weight quickly through a crash diet. You don't want to have to do this all over again in six months or a year and if you crash diet, you most likely will have to do just that. You have to have the mindset that this is a lifelong process.

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Alex said...

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Alex said...

A variety of weight loss methods are available in the market today. Some promote a strict dieting, composed of a planned set of menu for each day of the week. Nuvo Ketosis Diet Others follow a rigorous exercise program that involves cardio workout. Meanwhile, drastic measures include unguaranteed weight loss methods like hypnosis and surgery. Hypnosis and surgery are often done by those suffering from morbid obesity, or those looking for a short-cut to losing weight.

Alex said...

You will want to make gradual changes. Keto Pharm The easiest way to do this is by substituting one eating habit with another, healthier one.

Alex said...

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Illeana Menon said...

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Alex said...

Third, with my advice, you won't starve, have to go to the gym ever, or basically do anything that is a hassle for your busy life. Listen, I understand you want to lose weight with as few diet and exercise rules as possible without changing much in your diet or exercise plans... I get it. I have this completely covered. slim x genie keto I've worked with over 3,700 clients. I know a 1 size fits all plan doesn't work. So I've come up with lots of "tricks" to personalize weight loss specifically for you and your lifestyle.

Alex said...

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Edward said...

Many patients, however, decide Revolyn Keto Burn they want to go the less expensive and natural way by strict diet and exercise but are concerned about the loose skin. Our doctors always tell patients to be realistic, being healthy is far more important than having loose skin.

Alex said...

There are various kinds of rapid weight loss options and diets available today. These diets benefit the user with extreme rapid weight loss, in a short period of time, Pro Vita Keto which would be something that most would find appealing. But to get a healthy rapid weight loss is more important than settling for any kind of diet and you should look at all of the quick weight loss diet guides and try to judge each of them by their own merits. One of the best ways of doing the same is through the internet.

Alex said...

There are some rapid weight loss diets which claim that they can help you lose lots of weight in a matter of days. But this reason is not valid enough for the implementation of any diet because even these rapid weight loss diets come at a price. Keto Plus Pro This price may not always be financial but it can also be health wise and fitness. The selections of foods for these diets include eating only select fruit and vegetables which can either be cooked or can be eaten raw. Also if you are planning to cook these fruits and vegetables then the method for cooking also needs to be checked.

Alex said...

You should approach this decision just as you would approach any other serious health issue. Consult with your physician first and research any diet drug you may be considering. Super Fast Keto Boost

Annie Jhons said...

Yes, this can be quite tedious if you have a lot of recipes, but just imagine how easy it will be to find a recipe by simply typing in a keyword and clicking "search." Trendy Mumi

Alex said...

These pills can be instrumental in helping you lose the weight that has been creeping on to you over an extended period of time, Keto Regime and you will discover that it can be part of a weight loss plan, just like a better exercise program.

Alex said...

Breakfast is the most important meal that you should never miss. Skipping breakfast means that you are programming your brain to think that you are starved and deprived, Trubodx Keto and this will only cause you to feel lethargic.

Alex said...

Obesity is now a worldwide epidemic. USA is the most obese Country in the world, and my country, Australia, is quickly catching up with the states. Also, of even more concern is the growing number of obese children who are thinking that fast food is a normal way to eat. Bionatrol Keto Burn

Alex said...

Combining this diet with the right form of exercises is also required. There are various studies which reveal that the best form of weight loss is through aerobic exercises. Ultra Fast Keto Boost The combination of these aerobic exercises with weight training, stretching and yoga helps the body to lose weigh much faster and also helps in the toning up of the body. This form of exercises helps the body to lose fat as well as inches which help in making the shape of the body more attractive. Also there is a visible change in the overall health of the body.

Alex said...

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Alex said...

It's important to choose a weight loss plan that fits with your lifestyle. If you decide on a weight loss plan that involves eating lots of foods that you don't like, Bionatrol Keto you won't be able to stick with it for long. Instead of being concerned about whether a diet is low carb or low fat or... free yourself from trying to eat in a way that is unsustainable over the long term. Beware of embarking on a diet that is boring or feels like punishment, that is no way to live your life.

Alex said...

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This is an area of some controversy. Balanced Max Keto Though there have not been any studies indicating any adverse long-term effects of being on a keto diet, many experts now believe that the body may develop a "resistance" to the benefits of ketosis unless one regularly cycles in and out of it. In addition, eating a very high-fat diet in the long-term may not be suitable for all body types

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There are various supplements on the market to lose weight with.Slimgen Keto
Many of them are not worth the money or bad for your health. We, therefore, advise against using supplements to lose weight.

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johni micheal said...

While some patches Black Label X can work wonders, some may have dangerous effects such as irritation and rashes. If you want to achieve bigger penis, the best recommendation is still the natural male enhancement treatment including male enhancement exercise. Though you can try natural male enhancement pills with natural herbs, make sure that you purchase pills that are advised by your doctor. Most of these natural male enhancement pills do not require doctor's prescription but you do not want to take any risks and suffer in the future.

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Dietitians are nutritionists Anatomy Keto who work straightforwardly with customers or patients in regards to their healthful needs. Abstaining from food lessens your caloric admission however practicing helps you blaze more calories. Eat less carbs Weight misfortune is fundamental if corpulence is available. Consuming less calories is simpler than you ever envisioned. On a veggie lover eat less carbs, weight loss shouldn't be an issue.A very much adjusted diminished calorie abstain from food containing moderate fat is suggested. The consideration of various types of organic products into weight loss eating methodologies is a sound method for managing starvation, and additionally giving the body those supplements and vitamins it needs to work legitimately.

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• L-Arginine: allows within the generation of slender, stable muscle mass via burning down your extra body fats
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1) Drink masses of water. The person who's consuming those tablets is cautioned to drink at least 4-5 litres of water in keeping with day to preserve themselves hydrated.
2) observe a low-calorie diet if you could

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It is those
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About the desired change to your frame.
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carbohydrates and essential fats.
The best vegetables for fat burning consist of the leafy green varieties as well as red peppers, onions and tomatoes. Fibrous fruits are best found in bananas, apples, grapes, pineapples and strawberries.
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When you lose weight too quickly, your body cannot maintain its muscle. Because muscle requires more calories to sustain itself, your body begins to metabolize it so that it can reserve the incoming calories for its survival. It protects

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David said...

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Anonymous said...

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Michel Jackson said...

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Michel Jackson said...

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Michel Jackson said...

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Maxwell said...

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Maxwell said...

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Maxwell said...

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Maxwell said...

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Maxwell said...

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Ben Dunk said...

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David said...

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David said...

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Maxwell said...

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Maxwell said...

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Michel Jackson said...

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Michel Jackson said...

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David said...

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Michel Jackson said...

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Michel Jackson said...

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Michel Jackson said...

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Maxwell said...

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Michel Jackson said...

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David said...

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Michel Jackson said...

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HealthZone said...

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Michel Jackson said...

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David said...

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