Thursday, June 24, 2010

Post 17


I have been lucky enough to receive unadulterated, unquestioned love from my mother. She is the centre of my world.

Today I was lying down when I suddenly recalled the few days at home when I was working in India. I had fallen very sick and sid was due in a few days to come pick me up. I was kind of happy to fall ill- be pampered one last time before I left her. All about how she took care of me, how concerned she was and how just being around her felt so nice- all of this came back to me.

Sometimes, now, when I think about how she used to be worried about every little thing about me , it brings me close to tears. I survived the whole of today on two breads. Maybe when you are hungry the whole world seems more mean than it actually is. But I kept thinking about her.

How she made life so easy for me in India, how both my Mom and dad would ensure that I was picked and dropped each day to work. How she would be concerned if I seemed even a little upset and how far away she is from me now.

The sheer physical distance.

How tough it is to be away from people you love. From the one person you love the most.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey RP,

I know how hard it is to be away from parents... cant say it will get better but thing is you will become better at taking care of urself... I know your husband is around too but guys dont have the same level of senstivity as our mothers :). so my best advice to you is to take care of urself ok! Falling sick in a foreign country is no fun,,,, so do whaever it takes to recover fast..