Backk!So now I am as free as they come.
Yesterday , as I walked out of the Indian Social Institute, New Delhi after participating in one GD and 2 personal interviews[yess, they interviewd me twice, wanted to interview me once more but that, thankfully , did not happen!:P ] I mentally yelled a 'yeayyyy!' coz with that the gruelling 7-8 month stint at trying to get through a bskul came to an end for me!
From tomorrow onwards NO Economics Times.
NO Hindu!!!
And back to pyaar sa, tabaloid type TOI....full of who broke up with whom and who is going out with whom.
*dreamy look*
No more sitting in front of ancinet people and saying globe like '*intelligent, introspective luk*, well Sir, I am an individual in my own right and I will never do anything just because my father , grand father and brother are all doing it. I never wanted to become a doctor, Sirr, I can only do things I am passionate about because only if I have passion for the particular thing can I excel at it'
Yeah right!
How about Mummy being too concerned about me turning 30 by the time I finish MD whihc would lead to very few good marriage proposals?
Enough of WTO!!!
Enough of what ails the Software sector.
Enough of multilateral trade as opposed to bilateral trade.
Enough of sitting in front of the TV, watching some ancient man on NDTV and frantically jotting down anything of importance that he utters into my diary!
And yess!!
Enough of the green diary!
Now this is the dairy which was the most imporatnt assest for me during the whole prep.It had been divided into sections like 'world economics', 'indian economics','internal afairs'
etc etc
And as I read stuff, whether on the net or through the newspaper stuff would be put down there.It has innmuerable pink cuttings , some portions of them heavily underlined . I will most probably hand it over to a friend of mine who has 5 IIM calls to deal with abhi bhi.
Endless hours on the Net.
Googling for stuff like' India's bid for a seat in security council', and actually going through everything and trying to keep it in your head.
The frantic manner in which my brain worked during the GDs trying to come up with some important point.
The effort needed to come into the GD due to my soft voice.
The use of hands[and yess, a guy after one GD came to me and told me that I have pretty hands*blush*], eyes, expressions, voice modulation.
Being told so many times that inspite of sucha soft voice everyone listens to me when I speak[the secret, my friends is being pleasant, nice and smiling with tremendous and hopefully sophisticated voice modulation!] that I actually have more faith in myself now!
The moments just before the GD begins when I heart beats sooooooooo loudly that I wonder why my voice cannot be as loud!
The seconds waiting outside the PI room waiting for the being called inside the room.
Walking that distance from the door to your seat when u feel all eyes on you.
Having planned the 'confident walk' and realising that you are doing none of it!
Listening to the questions shot at you by the panel, the tremendous feeling of relief when it is something you know well...the guarded response when you do not!
The feeling of camraderie amongst all poeple during and after the interviews are done with.
The sharing of experiences with random strangers.
The reassuring words to be said when someone tells you that he/she thinks he/she has messed it up.
The hopeless feeling when you know that you have messed it up.
The second after you have cracked a joke in an I/view ...when you are scared stiff about how the panel will react to it.. the relief when they break into guffaws.
The final' Thank you, you may leave and all the best'
The feeling of relief when all it gets over.
It is all over for me now...just wait and watch for the results:)