Sunday, August 28, 2005


" Friends are like melons,
Shall i tell you why...
To find one good ,
You must a hundred try!"

Everone in his/her lifetime subconsciously tries a lot of people as friends( almost like the hundreds of pairs of jeans that one has to try to find that perfect fit!).Well you know that she/he is a real good friend when the two of you-

1. Jab jab jab and jab!!!!
2. Agree to disagree.
3. be okay about not in the least liking the others romantic interest . ( wink, wink, wink)
4. Share laughter (nothing like being able to laugh together.)
5. Giggle non stop.
6. Finish each others sentences.
7. Say the same things at the same time.
8. Then root for telepathy.
9. Always have something to talk about ( even after years and years of knowing each other)
10. feel lighter after having told each other about the endless mundane problems that have to be braved.
11. Feel nice and warm after a long conversation.
12. Can discuss anything( read anything!!)
13. Calling the whole thing off is never even an option.
14. Know what irritates the other.
15. feel that the other one is family.

Thank God for friends!!


dots said...

awwww..was that for me??the wink..wink??
truly friends are one of nature's best creations..without them the world is a darker plas..
friends are those who die to speak to 1 another even after talking just yesterday.
those who use each other's imagination to further their own..
those who love nd hate ecah other unconditionally..:)
nd those without whom i don't think i cud get thru the day..
love you gal

R said...

hehehe...most of it was for you....jus love ya!!