Sunday, March 02, 2014


The fun bit about no longer being 16 is that you can pretend to be all wise and talk about how life has taught you stuff. Here are some things I try and NOT do. I am sharing some of them here, for your benefit and mine

Read on to see if you find takeaways ( I hope you do!)

  1. Don't judge people. They all have stories and some of them are more horrific that yours ever will be.
  2. Don't ignore your soul. Ever since I was small, I have been aware of how my body is different from my soul. We all do so much for our body- the medical check ups, the vitamin tablets, the exercise. We forget that we have a soul that needs attention and nourishment. When I stop outside of the tube station and stare at the flowers, I am feeding my soul. When I open my hair on a windy day and let the winds play with it, I do it for my soul. When I sit back and embroider a flower, I do it for my soul...When I write, I do it for my soul. When I act with grace and not scream at the random man on the tube who is being rude, I do it for my soul.
  3. Don't forget that there are other people around you. Whenever I am feeling sorry for myself, I get up and do something for someone else that makes them feel special. Nothing big, but  maybe bake someone a cake, give someone a well deserved compliment or even something as small as calling someone up and asking them about their new house or new baby or new job. Everyone is looking for affirmation of their existence and in validating others you uplift your own mood and soul.
  4. I try hard to not say mean, discouraging things. To anyone. I firmly believe that words have a lot of power and they should be used only to uplift yourself and those around you.
  5. Do not be jealous. When something nice happens to you, don't you wish people would congratulate you and mean it? Be that person.
  6. Don't try too hard to be friends. If it is not working out or if you finish each conversation with a bad taste in your mouth, just let them be. You guys are not meant to be friends; accept that.
  7. Don't be negative. By being negative you are telling the universe to send all its negative energies towards you. Also, no one will want to be around you because we all naturally gravitate towards happy, life affirming energies.
  8. Don't betray yourself. My biggest responsibility , and I think that it is true for everyone, is to bring out the best in me. No one else has that responsibility and I owe it to myself to become the best person I can be. 
  9. Don't ignore your mental health. It is as , if not more, important than physical health. Surround yourself with well meaning people who encourage you and see you in a positive light.
  10. Don't fear. Fear cripples. Fear weakens. Fear gnaws at your soul. Fear stops you from becoming the person are meant to be. So don't fear anything. Whatever is meant to happen will and if it is something bad you will face it, battle it and come out of it shinning.  


Abhinav rastogi said...
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Abhinav rastogi said...

Nice observation ... Yet i would say we better endorse free will . Just being nice for the sake of being nice is ill advice.

Abhinav rastogi said...
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R said...

I feel that in being nice you do more good to yourself than to anyone else. Am a great believer in the energies of the body and spirit. This should however not be confused with being fake. I am not saying that you should go paysome a compliment, I am saying go pay someone a 'well deserved' compliment. Big difference.

Satya Prakash said...

nice ..

Sakshi said...

Ever since, I have joined the blog club, whenever, I am tearing my head apart and I open my blogger home page to write , to let off some steam, to deconstruct the thoughts that are running awry, and I check my reading list to find that exact blog, with exactly what I want to hear right there. It is amazing, how things happen.
These were just the take aways that I wanted.
I have been irregular on the blog scene for a while now, but hoping to end the sabbatical now.
Hope that you are doing well :)

Sakshi said...

Ever since, I have joined the blog club, whenever, I am tearing my head apart and I open my blogger home page to write , to let off some steam, to deconstruct the thoughts that are running awry, and I check my reading list to find that exact blog, with exactly what I want to hear right there. It is amazing, how things happen.
These were just the take aways that I wanted.
I have been irregular on the blog scene for a while now, but hoping to end the sabbatical now.
Hope that you are doing well :)

Aarthy said...

Really good lessons. Each one of them was so meaningful and positive. I am going to book mark this and read every now and then.

Chakoli said...

Everything starts with a "Don't" ...;) I believe in more doing stuff... more positive ... :D :D